Methane Drone Measurements
Drone measurements of methane from various sources, 2022
The Mission
FluxSense is cooperating with Chalmers University of Technology and Gerdes Solutions to investigate how methane emissions can be quantified more efficiently with a drone based sensors as compared to FluxSense standard vehicle-based measurements. Various natural and fossil sources are studied such as landfills, refineries, LNG-terminals, and waste water plants. Drone measurements have a large potential due to off-road accessability and vertical sampling capability. Methane is a strong green-house-gas and emissions are not well understood/quantified and goes largely unregulated.
Link to report:
The project was funded by VINNOVA.
Contact and customer references
FluxSense AB: Sumedh Bandodkar,
Chalmers: Johan Mellqvist,
Gerdes Solutions: Gustav Gerdes,