Gas emissions from anthropogenic (man-made) and biogenic (natural) sources contribute to large range of environmental problems such as climate change, ozone depletion, air pollution, photochemical smog, acidification and eutrophication. In addition, some compounds are also a health and safety concern because they are toxic or flammable. Furthermore, leaking high quality gas products from a facility can be economically costly.
Knowledge about the actual emissions and concentrations of these gases are crucial for efficient regulations and abatement measures. It also critical as input data to climate- and air-quality models for more accurate predictions/forecasts. Diffuse (non-channeled) emissions from large facilities have, historically, been impossible or cumbersome/expensive to measure. Hence, these emissions are based on models, estimates or calculations which are highly idealized and can be vastly misleading if setup parameters, input data or algorithms are inaccurate. Results from various FluxSense studies world-wide show, e.g. that the petrochemical industry tend to significantly under-estimate their VOC emissions.
Increasing regulations, regulatory oversight, and improvements to environmental health and safety, as well as corporate responsibility, have made measurements of emissions standard in Europe (CEN). FluxSense continually develops state-of-the-art techniques and instruments to measure diffuse emissions for an ever broader range of relevant gases. All FluxSense measurements are truly mobile and can map emissions and concentrations within and around facilities cost-effectively.
FluxSense AB
FluxSense AB was started in 2001 as a spin-off company from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, to fill a need for reliable diffuse emissions measurements for the petroleum and petrochemical industry.
FluxSense has conducted well over 100 measurement campaigns of industrial and agricultural emissions in Europe, America and Asia using our self-developed state-of-the art optical techniques for gas emission measurements and leak search. Since 2015 we also provide instrument products and customer solutions such as Mobile Labs or Monitoring Stations.
We can deliver fully integrated projects/solutions from instrument hardware, via measurement campaigns, to analysis software and reporting.
FluxSense is the sole licensee for the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) technique and provides complementary instruments such as SkyDOAS, MeFTIR and MeDOAS for extending the range of gas species.
We have worked in close partnership with Chalmers University of Technology since our inception, most recently with shipping emissions for regulation of sulfur fuel content.