Monitoring Stations
Community air monitoring, gas concentration data from all large petroleum refineries in the Los Angeles Basin. Continuous air monitoring for real time presentation to the public.

FluxSense Inc. was asked to make measurement in accordance with the Rule 1180 Program. All large petroleum refineries in Los Angeles basin are required to collect emission data near there fence line. To validate this data South Coast Air Quality Management District commissioned a number of monitoring stations equipped with FluxSense instruments.
Initial talks regarding technology and design started in 2018 and led to a business contract in late 2019 requiring 10 stationary measuring systems for 24/7 data collection including commissioning and maintenance. Each station containing a MeDOAS – and a MeFTIR system including associated equipment such as valves, pumps, automatic liquid nitrogen filling and a control system.
South Coast AQMD published the first live data to the public in April 2020. Initial testing and data validation started in march 2020, the first set of hardware was shipped from Sweden in December 2019. The following gases are monitored at the stations by FluxSense instruments.
1,3-Butadiene | C4H6 |
Acetaldehyde | C2H4O |
Acrolein | C3H4O |
Ammonia | NH3 |
Benzene | C6H6 |
Carbon monoxide | CO |
Carbonyl sulfide | OCS |
Formaldehyde | CH2O |
Hydrogen cyanide | HCN |
Hydrogen fluoride | HF |
Methane | CH4 |
Nitrogen dioxide | NO2 |
Nitrous oxide | N2O |
p-Xylene | C8H10 |
Sulfur dioxide | SO2 |
Toluene | C7H8 |
Contact and customer references
FluxSense Inc. can be reached on +1(775) 830-5272 Marianne Ericsson
For more information on the technique or this specific project contact
The end user is “South Coast AQMD” and their project is:
“Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring” fenceline-monitoring-plans/rule-1180-community-air-monitoring